(ARLINGTON, VA) – The Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (Alliance) will hold a congressional briefing on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, from Noon-1 p.m. in The Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2247, to discuss the importance of protecting the safety of patients who use contact lenses, which are regulated medical devices.
Attendees at the briefing will include vision care professionals, congressional staff and Alliance champions.
The briefing will include a panel that focuses on four key areas:
- Maintaining a strong doctor-patient relationship when it comes to contact lens prescriptions, especially with the emergence of dangerous, abusive or harmful medical device marketing practices that increase patients’ risk for harm.
- The importance of the safe, healthy and effective use of medical devices, including contact lenses, while discussing advancements in technology to create better patient outcomes.
- The recognition of the inviolability of a patient’s prescription, determined through consultation between a patient and his or her doctor.
- Regulatory enforcement and strengthening of patient health and safety rules and laws.
The panel will be moderated by Alliance Chair Deanna Alexander, O.D. The panelists will include:
- Michele L. Andrews, OD – CooperVision, Senior Director, North America Professional and Academic Affairs
- Carol L. Alexander, OD – Johnson & Johnson Vision, Director, Professional Education and Development
- Jeff Sonsino, OD – American Optometric Association, Past- President of Contact Lens & Cornea Section; Private Practice, Nashville, TN
Congressional briefing details are as follows:
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Noon: Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety holds Congressional Briefing on Safety of Contact Lenses as Regulated Medical Devices
The Rayburn House Office Building – Room 2247
45 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C.
About the Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety
The Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety, founded in 2018, advocates for eye health and safety and elevates the doctor-patient relationship – the essential foundation of personal health care decision making.
Members of the Alliance for Patient Safety work together to raise awareness and protect public health. Advancing policy and collaboration between leading eye health advocates, vision innovators and trusted voices is essential to elevate patient care
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, April 18, 2018
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