House committee requests delay of Contact Lens Rule
January 04, 2021
Healio - The House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations requested that the Federal Trade Commission delay the effective date for the Contact Lens Rule until March 31, 2021.
Patient Safety Advocates Applauds Congressional Directive to Delay Implementation of the FTC Contact Lens Rule
(WASHINGTON) – The Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (APS) today applauded Congress for acting to delay the implementation, effective date and enforcement of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) updated Contact Lens Rule (Rule) until March 31, 2021. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 – the recently passed omnibus appropriations bill for fiscal year 2021 – allowed the directive included in the House Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) report to stand as the operative language directing the FTC’s treatment of the Rule.
The FSGG report, which can be read here, states:
Contact Lenses.—The Committee is disappointed that the FTC’s final amendments to the Contact Lens Rule do not sufficiently address the patient safety concerns the Committee has repeatedly outlined in report language for the past four years. The rule fails to sufficiently modernize the prescription verification process by eliminating the use of robocalls and imposes new burdensome paperwork requirements on providers and patients. To allow providers sufficient time to implement the necessary changes and to prevent additional interruptions in service due to the coronavirus, the Committee directs the FTC to delay the effective date for the amendments, and to suspend any implementation or enforcement of those amendments, until March 31, 2021.
Dr. Deanna Alexander, OD, Chairwoman of APS stated, “Patient safety advocates from across the country applaud Congress for acting to protect patients by delaying the effective date of the Contact Lens Rule. While we are appreciative of Congress’ work, we resolve to continue fighting for patient safety next year when Congress returns. Along with our supporters in both the House and Senate, the Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety will tirelessly advocate for policy that prevents harmful inaccurate contact lens prescriptions from being shipped to patients and onerous regulations being forced upon local doctors.”
Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers have gone on the record calling for changes to how contact lens prescriptions are verified and how patients are notified of their prescription rights. APS has consistently advocated for these important measures to keep patients safe, including through advocacy with the FTC and Congress. Past actions from Members of Congress include:
June 23, 2020: FTC announces final amendments to the Contact Lens Rule
September 17, 2020: The Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act is introduced to modernize the contact lens prescription verification process and eliminate the burdensome signed acknowledgement form requirement.
Read moreAPS welcomes Alcon, reflects on year of advocacy successes
December 1, 2020
American Optometric Association - Despite a challenging year amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (APS) served as an advocacy force in contact lens and patient safety debates, en route to gaining new support from a global eye care leader.
Alcon Joins Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety
December 2, 2020
Vision Monday - The Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (APS) announced Alcon, a global leader in eyecare, as its newest member. “APS partners and patient safety advocates are excited to have Alcon join our effort to advance patient safety and strengthen the doctor-patient relationship, which is the foundation of personalized health care,” said Deanna Alexander, OD, chairwoman of APS. “As a leader in eyecare, Alcon’s voice will be instrumental in our effort to advance policies that surround patient safety.”
Alcon Joins Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety
The Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (APS) today announced Alcon, a global leader in eye care, as its newest member. Alcon offers a broad range of eye care products and devices, from a complete line of contact lenses, lens care and ocular health products to intraocular lenses, ophthalmic surgical equipment and related products.
Read moreAlliance for Patient Safety Says It's ‘Encouraged’ by Senate’s Scheduled Markup of Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act
November 12, 2020
Vision Monday - The Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (APS) said this week that it is pleased by a U.S. Senate committee’s move to schedule a markup of the Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act. The markup will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 18, the APS announcement noted. The committee reviewing the proposed legislation is the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, which is chaired by Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) with ranking member Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.). The “modernization” bill is being proposed as a way to counter some of the controversial components of the recently announced and updated Contact Lens rule from the Federal Trade Commission.
Patient Safety Advocates Encouraged by Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act’s Scheduled Markup in the U.S. Senate
November 12, 2020
Invision - The Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (APS) applauded the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Chairman Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Ranking Member Maria Cantwell (D-WA) for scheduling the markup of the Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act. The markup will take place on Wednesday, November 18, 2020.
The bill, which has bipartisan support, protects patients by requiring sellers of contact lenses to use either written electronic communication or a live phone call to properly verify a contact lens prescription. Currently, sellers most commonly use robocalls to verify contact lens prescriptions, a practice that can lead to patients receiving lenses other than those prescribed by their eye care provider. Multiple studies show the use of nonprescribed and unverified contact lenses — Class II or Class III medical devices — can result in serious and potentially blinding eye health events, including keratitis, corneal scarring, corneal ulcers, and infection.
New contact lens bill aims to protect patients, reduce burden on doctors
September 29, 2020
Healio - The recently introduced Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act would update prescription verification requirements by prohibiting passive robocalls and changing patient notification processes.
The Federal Trade Commission’s recently updated Contact Lens Rule was criticized by industry and professional organizations, according to a press release from the Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (APS), because, among other issues, the rule now requires eye care professionals to retain patients’ signed prescription acknowledgments.
APS Applaud the Introduction of the Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act in the U.S. Senate
September 21, 2020
Invision - The Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (APS) applauded the introduction of the Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act by Sen. John Boozman (R-AR) in the United States Senate. Specifically, the bill, which is co-sponsored by Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), protects patient eye health by eliminating the use of robocalls to verify contact lens prescriptions. The bill also removes burdensome paperwork requirements for patients and providers, instead giving eye care practices the ability to notify patients of key rights regarding their contact lens prescriptions through methods like in-office signage that have been adopted in California. APS has long advocated for these important changes to the Contact Lens Rule, often with the support of Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle.
The Contact Lens Rule was originally written with the intent of increasing patient access to contact lens prescriptions while promoting patient safety. APS supports these goals of the Rule, but has voiced concern that the passive verification provision – often exploited by certain sellers through the use of robocalls – can jeopardize patients’ vision health.
Sen. Boozman Introduces Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act that Would Eliminate Robocalls for Rx Verification
September 21, 2020
Vision Monday - In an effort to offset language in the FTC’s updated Contact Lens Rule, Sen. John Boozman (R-Ark.) last week introduced in the U.S. Senate the Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act, which would eliminate the use of robocalls to verify contact lens prescriptions, according to a statement by the Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (APS). The bill, which APS endorsed, is co-sponsored by Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). The FTC’s new rule for contact lenses and the corresponding requirements for ECPs is set to take effect Oct. 17.
In addition to eliminating the use of robocalls to verify CL prescriptions, the bill removes burdensome paperwork requirements for patients and providers, instead giving eyecare practices the ability to notify patients of key rights regarding their contact lens prescriptions through methods like in-office signage that have been adopted in California, according to the APS statement.